Friday, February 11, 2011

I am an Ally McBeal fan.  Even worse, I watched the entire series again through Netflix last winter.  It was then that I saw the ultimate embroidered mittens.  They were gorgeous.  So gorgeous, in fact, that I took pictures of them.  Yes, I took a picture of the paused image on my TV, but it was worth it because now I can copy them.  This is knitterly plagiarism, but it must be done.  Just look:
I love them.  Love them.  And I must have them.  I only regret not getting a good picture of the cuff.  If I make up my own design for the cuff am I off the knitterly plagiarism hook?  No, but so what?  They'll be mine.  (Insert evil, maniacal laughter here.)  And here is the thumb:
 When I make them I'll post them.  Then my dorkiness will have paid off.


  1. Congrats on starting your new blog! I will have to put it in my blog feed...yay!

    Those mittens are awesome. If you can't see the pattern well enough, I bet you can find some awesome Jacobean embroidery patterns that are very similar.

  2. Those are going to be gorgeous mittens! We will all be jealous. You are on your way to blogging stardom!

  3. You're so amazing. Good job on the blog. Can't wait to see the mittens! Just think I've had a blog for three years and you've managed in like one day to have more followers than me!! Way to go, sista!

  4. Erin, you make gorgeous things, these mittens are right up your alley! Be careful, people are going to start asking you to open an Etsy shop...

  5. Thank you! Who knew my friends were such awesome cheerleaders? Katie, I LOVE the idea of finding a great Jacobean pattern. I'm totally going to do that.
